
Ситова машина AS 300 control

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The AS 300 model has all the benefits of the AS 200 control but is designed for test sieves with a diameter up to 315 mm, providing a sieve surface which is approximately 2.5 times larger. Therefore, the AS 300 is able to separate up to 6 kg of material in one working run. Repetitive operations are greatly simplified with the possibility to store up to 99 standard operating procedures (SOP). For perfectly reproducible sieving results, the AS 300 control can be programmed with sieve acceleration independent of the power frequency instead of vibration height.

The microprocessor-controlled measuring device monitors and automatically readjusts the vibration height. All sieving parameters are set, displayed and monitored digitally. The AS 300 control can be calibrated, and is thus suitable for test materials monitoring. Like all instruments of the “control” series, the AS 300 has an integrated interface for using the evaluation software EasySieve® to control, set and visualize all parameters, including complete documentation of the sieving process

Accuracy & Efficiency

  • Sieving with 3-D effect
  • For sieves up to (Ø) 315 мм
  • Suitable for dry and wet sieving
  • Measuring range 20 μm to 40 mm
  • Memory for 99 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Digital setting and control of sieving parameters
  • Sieve acceleration independent of power frequency
  • Reproducible and globally comparable sieving results
  • Short sieving times due to large sieve surface and effective movement
  • Test materials monitoring according to DIN EN ISO 9001

Ситова машина AS 300 control Wet sieving with Vibratory Sieve Shakers

There are many applications for which wet sieving is the best solution, e.g. when the material to be tested is a suspension or when a very fine sample (< 45 μm) that tends to agglomerate needs to be sieved. All vibratory sieve shakers from RETSCH can be used for wet sieving. There are special accessories like clamping lids with spray nozzle and collecting pans with outlet available. By placing RETSCH’s venting rings between the sieves, air cushions can expand without letting liquid or sample material escape.

Ситова машина AS 200 control

EasySieve / EasySieve CFR софтуер за оценка

EasySieve, the software for particle size analyses, exceeds manual evaluation in many aspects. The software is able to automatically control the necessary measurement and weighing procedures – from the registration of the weight of the sieve up to the evaluation of the data. It is simple and convenient to use and is also available in an FDA 21 CFR Part 11-conform version.

EasySieve / EasySieve CFR софтуер за оценка

Ситова машина AS 300 control Типични материали за проба

RETSCH's vibratory sieve shakers are ideally suited for separation, fractioning and particle size determination of cement clinker, chemicals, coffee, construction materials, fertilizers, fillers, flours, grains, metals powders, minerals, nuts, plastics, sand, seeds, soils and washing powder.





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Pресяващata машинa AS 300 работi посредством електромагнитен мотор, патентован oт RETSCH (EP 0642844). Този мотор приозвежда 3D подхвърлящо движение, което задвижва продукта и го пресява равномерно по цялата повърхност на пресяване. Предимство: висок капацитет, изключително гладка работа, кратки времена за пресяване и висока ефективност на отделяне.

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